Odyssey‘s big appeal (for some users, anyway) is the introduction of “on foot” game play – you can now get out of your ship and walk around, providing the planet’s gravity isn’t too strong. This of course brought with it a new set of engineers and a whole new collection of materials to gather for those engineers. And the implementation of “space legs” isn’t … seamless. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Odyssey review
Tag Archives: elite-dangerous
Elite: Dangerous – Traveling to the Anaconda Graveyard
The “Anaconda Graveyard” is a spot on body 1 C of HD 76133. It is so named because it was the final destination of a trip from which there was (originally) no returning from during the Distant Stars Expedition in 3303. Midway into the trip, travelers are required to make a neutron boosted jump into a small cluster of stars some distance from the main body of the galaxy’s stars, from which there is no way for a normal ship to jump out of. But now, with Fleet Carriers, it’s not an impossible trip to return from. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Traveling to the Anaconda Graveyard
PlayStation VR: Great! … With The Right Games …
So with VR announced for No Man’s Sky in the Beyond update, dropping somewhere close to my birthday, I had something to put on my list (along with an excuse to upgrade to a PS4 Pro). For a good portion of NMS, VR is, quite simply, sublime. But it’s not perfect. Continue reading PlayStation VR: Great! … With The Right Games …
I Made The Journey: Beagle Point and Oevasy SG-Y D0

I started the journey by hopping the four stations between the Bubble and Colonia-area, but instead of stopping by Colonia proper, I launched myself towards Beagle Point from Rodentia, the remote home of the FuelRats, on June 2, 2019. Continue reading I Made The Journey: Beagle Point and Oevasy SG-Y D0
“Elite Dangerous” Screenshots: Exploration, New Ships, “The Oracle” Rescue

I visited one of the odd spots of the game, went on a short exploration trip to the “top” of the galaxy, bought a few new ships, and rescued some people from a station the Thargoids attacked.
Continue reading “Elite Dangerous” Screenshots: Exploration, New Ships, “The Oracle” Rescue
“Elite: Dangerous” – Screenshots: Trip To Sagittarius A* and Colonia

While the beginning of the trip was chronicled at the tail end of my previous “screenshots” post, all of these are the rest of the trip. Enjoy! Continue reading “Elite: Dangerous” – Screenshots: Trip To Sagittarius A* and Colonia
Long Distance Travel In “Elite: Dangerous”
As I take a break from the return leg of my Grand Tour at Vihara Gate in Kashyapa, I figured I’d touch on some of the methods and decisions a player would need to make if they were going to do long distance travel in Elite: Dangerous. It all depends on why you’re going, and either way, there’s things you should be aware of before making the trip. Continue reading Long Distance Travel In “Elite: Dangerous”
Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots V

A collection of screenshots outlining a little bit of some BackGround Simulation stuff I played with, the grind to Duke, the purchase of the glorious Imperial Cutter “Prime Mover”, and of course the beginning of my Grand Tour around some key locations of the Galaxy. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots V
“Elite: Dangerous” – Getting The Most Out Of It+Bot’s Long Term Plans (Grand Tour)
Hopefully this won’t be a horrendously long post … but it probably will be. Included in this (probably rambling) post will be a list of links with explanations of how those links will help you get the most out of Elite: Dangerous. The “backdrop” for the post, though, is my current long term plan, which I’m calling “The Grand Tour”. Continue reading “Elite: Dangerous” – Getting The Most Out Of It+Bot’s Long Term Plans (Grand Tour)
Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots IV

Smaller collection of screenshots – but these include several from a Thargoid encounter! Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots IV