I was thinking Blue Dyson Fan was going to be “it”. She was blue, had a good view out of the cockpit, and while she didn’t have the proportionality I look for in a ship, I figured she was “good enough” to keep me away from the Transmission Towers. Maybe I’d buy something if I ever saw something really good, it was 48 slots, and I had the money. But with the “Gek Transmission Tower” bug fixed, I didn’t think I’d take the time to look for the “needle in the haystack.”
I was wrong.

I was flying around a planet working on getting a gun that wasn’t pink and green to be as good as my pink/green. I’d seen a few ships in the system that looked attractive, and a lot of those were blue. It think BDF would have been near perfect if her nose hadn’t been so long; she looked like a speedster, but she also looked like she had no maneuverability.
I began to notice that I was seeing a lot of transmission towers. So, I came up with a “legal” alternative to the “Gek TT” bug that would work on certain planets:

I’d hit a Transmission Tower, but instead of flying right at the crashed ship it found, I’d instead look for another Transmission Tower. At that point, one of the two ships was fairly close by; the other, 20 minutes away at full boost. I’d fly towards the farther one, stopping at every Transmission Tower I saw, until I had four or five crashes to look at. Then I’d farm them.
Now, that won’t work (easily) on every planet, and water planets in particular are problematic since they seem to lack “structure frequency” that this plan requires. But it worked on the planet where I thought up the strategy.
So, looking at the fifth crash in this search, I find what I’m looking for … though she wasn’t exactly easy to get to:

I eventually came up with the name Blueberry Dream. Is she “perfect”? No. But she has a bit of wing to her, is fairly proportionate in her sizing, and has a nice bubble canopy for the cockpit. So she checks all of the pertinent boxes. Of course there’s a thing or two that could make her look a little “better” (like a not-too-big fin). But you really can’t have “everything” and she’s got it where it counts.