
What To Watch Out For

  • June 6, 2017 I’m out of town at the moment but should be back around then. While attempting to “remote play” a little No Man’s Sky, I took the time to look at the PSN Store and discovered that ABZU is free for a little bit.  First stream when I get back will probably be a play through of that.
  • June 27, 2017 but actually June 30, 2017 Elite: Dangerous is scheduled for release on June 27 on the PS4, but I’ll be at Cisco Live until June 30.  So I’ll probably be streaming it when I get back.
  • No Man's Sky
    No Man’s Sky – June 21, 2016

    August 9, 2016 is the (new) release date for No Man’s Sky.  The game has been preordered, and the leave has been approved: I’ll be streaming as soon as I get home from work that Tuesday (and get all my chores out of the way, so around 5:30pm Eastern) until around 7:30pm, and then I have the next three days (five, if you count the weekend) off.  I’ll be streaming a lot of gameplay … when I’m not celebrating my wedding anniversary.Game release 8 years, 7 months, 18 days, 23 hours, 40 minutes ago