Odyssey‘s big appeal (for some users, anyway) is the introduction of “on foot” game play – you can now get out of your ship and walk around, providing the planet’s gravity isn’t too strong. This of course brought with it a new set of engineers and a whole new collection of materials to gather for those engineers. And the implementation of “space legs” isn’t … seamless. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Odyssey review
Category Archives: PC Games
Elite: Dangerous – Traveling to the Anaconda Graveyard
The “Anaconda Graveyard” is a spot on body 1 C of HD 76133. It is so named because it was the final destination of a trip from which there was (originally) no returning from during the Distant Stars Expedition in 3303. Midway into the trip, travelers are required to make a neutron boosted jump into a small cluster of stars some distance from the main body of the galaxy’s stars, from which there is no way for a normal ship to jump out of. But now, with Fleet Carriers, it’s not an impossible trip to return from. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Traveling to the Anaconda Graveyard
No Man’s Sky Headers
Obviously I don’t have the game yet (at the time of this post). I’ve downloaded the screenshots from the No Man’s Sky website and cropped a few for use here …
Once I have the game and have a couple of good screen-caps of my own, I’ll be putting those up instead.
No Man’s Sky – New Gameplay Footage
The best No Man’s Sky footage to date, including continuous gameplay. Release 8 years, 7 months, 19 days, 17 hours, 51 minutes ago
SPORE, from the folks at EA Games, is a game where you start out as a single cell organism and can grow and evolve up to a space-faring culture. I was a little wary of picking up this game, since there was some controversy regarding its DRM, which some have called “draconian.” I will say one thing for SPORE – you get both the PC version and Mac version on the same disk. Continue reading SPORE