The “Anaconda Graveyard” is a spot on body 1 C of HD 76133. It is so named because it was the final destination of a trip from which there was (originally) no returning from during the Distant Stars Expedition in 3303. Midway into the trip, travelers are required to make a neutron boosted jump into a small cluster of stars some distance from the main body of the galaxy’s stars, from which there is no way for a normal ship to jump out of. But now, with Fleet Carriers, it’s not an impossible trip to return from.
So, I’ll be making the trip (a fairly short one on the order of 3500 light years) Friday evening (starting probably around 5:30pm Eastern US time). I’ll be making the trip initially in my Fuel Rat Anaconda Thunderrat 1, which is capable of making a good portion of the trip without anything other than a neutron boost or two (the original trip suggested that FSD injection boosting would be required for some jumps, and might be required for the last hop of the trip).
Along the way, I’ll be ordering my fleet carrier Interstellar Rescue to make jumps into the region and then finally into HD 76133. The carrier will be there for most of the day Saturday, departing HD 76133 around 5pm Eastern US for a return trip to (eventually) Fuelum.
I will be coordinating with interested CMDRs via both #ratchat on the Fuel Rats IRC, as well as using the subreddit r/EliteCarriers chat. Once Interstellar Rescue is back in a region where most CMDRs should be able to manage the return from themselves, I’ll be announcing it and providing CMDRs plenty of opportunity to disembark there and continue their own journeys before continuing the carrier’s trip back to Fuelum.
So, if you have a ship capable of making the trip, rest assured that, for at least a day or so, there will be a carrier in the area that should be able to assist you in returning to the Bubble in one piece, rather than having to commit suicide and eat a rebuy.
Notes about Interstellar Rescue

She won’t (near as I can tell – I have 10,000 tons in storage and currently a full 1000 ton tank) need Tritium. I will be watching the first few jumps like a hawk to make sure that 10,000 tons should be enough, and will provide some warning through the two channels I’ll be monitoring if plans need to be adjusted (such as keeping the carrier a hop inside the region you need to neutron jump into rather than dragging her all the way into HD 76133 (I’ll also try to get a hold of someone whose carrier has already made the trip to see). I *will* provide a (probably just lower than galactic average) offer on the ship if you’d like to sell some to her.
Interstellar Rescue also does not have any Universal Cartographics, nor does she have a Shipyard, Outfitting, Redemption Office, or Secure Warehouse. She does, however, have Repair Crews (though … admittedly, it’s kind of broken right now, but it should be working for visitors), as well as Refueling and Armoury. So … keep your data safe; I can’t record it for you.
The main reasoning behind not having a Universal Cartographics is that the benefit to the carrier owner (and to visitors to the carrier, in my opinion) is outweighed by the downsides; it’s an expensive addition to the weekly upkeep that will in no way come close to paying for itself, even on this trip I would suspect.
So, if you’re interested, I’ll be posting a link to this post on the EliteCarriers subreddit, and you can ask questions/express interest there, and use the subreddit’s chat to coordinate on Saturday.
UPDATE: Friday, June 19, 8:00am EDT

So above you see some bookmarks (and faintly, a route) indicating the first part of the route I plan to take with Thunderrat 1 and Interstellar Rescue. You’ll note that for a majority of the trip (at least until you get to Outotch SA-U D4-0) it’s significantly different from the original Distant Stars 3303 Expedition route. In fact, I really won’t be hitting any of the original route until Waypoint 12.
So – some info about Thunderrat 1 that explains why:
Thunderrat 1 has been built for long distance exploration/FuelRat rescues. In default configuration, she breaks 72 light years a jump even with 32 limpets on board. For a majority of the trip (the parts without Interstellar Rescue, who has a couple of ships on her that could handle landing on a planet a little better than Thunderrat 1 could) I’ll be utilizing that jump range, mostly staying only long enough to check on Interstellar Rescue‘s next jump/fuel needs, and using the FSS to scan the system … and DSS scanning anything not too far away that might get me significant extra funding.
The in game router, given the ship’s jump range, is plotting a route all the way from Fuelum to Outotch SA-U D4-0 (“Decision”), a neutron star that (I’m fairly certain) is the doorway to the M67 star cluster and AH Cancri. While the original Distant Stars route was chosen for it’s danger value and navigational challenges, this route’s issues should mostly only be fuel based … which will be mitigated by Interstellar Rescue‘s availability.
Note that “Decision” is the point of “no return” – or at least, no return without a carrier. As such, you’re strongly encouraged (if you’re making the trip) to be fully aware of Interstellar Rescue‘s schedule, particularly on Saturday evening’s return. That schedule will hopefully be posted here sometime Friday night/early Saturday morning. I will say that you can almost guarantee that she’ll be making stops (both on the way up and back) at AH Cancri and “Decision”.
Tentative trip up stops for the carrier, if you decide to take the trip closer to her than even I am – remember, Fuelum is technically stop 0 for her, as an origin point (she’s there now), and Interstellar Rescue will not be leaving there before 5:30pm EDT:
- Wregoe BU-K B36-0
- Wregoe TU-S B19-0
- HD 70092
- Outotz RO-G D11-0
- Outotch LP-M D8-0
- Outotch SA-U D4-0 “Decision”
- AH Cancri
Given the 20 minute minimum time between jumps, it’s very likely that Interstellar Rescue won’t be in AH Cancri until well into 9:00pm EDT. Considering that an Anaconda typically has four max distance jumps in her fuel tank, and three of the hops (from #4 to #7) are neutrons where I have no idea if there’s a fuelable companion to the neutron), you can be assured that Interstellar Rescue will be making longer rests (as Thunderrat 1 docks with her for a top off) at #4, #6, and #7.
Also, the schedule above is subject to change, since it involves much estimation of carrier jump distance. Many of the stars in the list aren’t “known” and getting an accurate distance between them without actually being at one of them is difficult. So, only #1, #4, #6, and #7 are set, though #4, #6, and #7 could be different numbers on the list. Similarly, the return trip may not be set in stone beyond the exit of the M67 cluster to “Decision”.
The route within the M67 star cluster is less than sure. The jump to HD 76133 will probably require an FSD injection boost even for Thunderrat 1. It’s even possible that she won’t be there until the morning of Saturday, June 20. Rest assured that once she does make it to HD 76133 she will be in orbit of 1 C for a while, and I will be making strong efforts to ensure that no one gets left behind … but also need to get Interstellar Rescue turned around and headed home. As such, dock by 5:30pm EDT on Saturday, June 20, or be in AH Cancri by the schedule that will be posted here, because once Interstellar Rescue jumps from AH Cancri to “Decision”, if you’re not on it, you’re going to be stuck until another carrier comes out that way (or Interstellar Rescue takes pity on you and jumps back to you).
Hope to see you there! But, don’t get stuck!
UPDATE: Friday, June 19, 11:00pm EDT
Interstellar Rescue dropped into HD 76133 at about 10:50pm. She’s not the only carrier there right now – two other carriers are in system.
It’s a bit late for me but I wanted to outline the schedule for tomorrow (or later today, depending on your time zone):
- HD 76133 to AH Cancri – Depart 5:00pm (getting to AH Cancri on your own will require probably 2 to 3 FSD injection jumps)
- AH Cancri to Outotch SA-U D4-0 – Depart 5:30pm (this is your last chance to board Interstellar Rescue and depart the area without aid of another carrier, but once at the destination for this hop, you should be capable of returning to the bubble on your own)
- Outotch SA-U D4-0 to Outotch MK-M D8-0 – Depart 6:00pm
- Outotch MK-M D8-0 to Outotz RO-G D11-0 – Depart 6:25pm
- Outotz RO-G D11-0 to HD 70092 – Depart 6:50pm
- HD 70092 to Wregoe TU-S B19-0 – Depart 7:15pm
- Wregoe TU-S B19-0 to Wregoe BU-K B36-0 – Depart 7:40pm
- Wregoe BU-K B36-0 to Fuelum – Depart 8:05pm