I hope by the end of the post you don’t think I hate the game – that wouldn’t be true. It is fair to say that there’s a lot more negative I can say about this update and that the impact of the changes made has really hit home for someone who spent a lot of time putting effort in to both labeling the system and planet names in an informative manner, as well as contributing to the No Man’s Sky Wiki as part of the r/NMSGalacticHub Project. That doesn’t mean I think the update was a mistake or in any way ruined the game. However, some of the bugs and mechanics I’ve encountered at the very least have me hesitant to play much more until another bug fix update or two comes out. Continue reading “No Man’s Sky” Update 1.3: Atlas Rises
Monthly Archives: August 2017
Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots II

Another round of Elite: Dangerous screenshots. Continue reading Elite: Dangerous – Screenshots II
“Elite: Dangerous” – How To Not Be A FuelRat Client (And What To Do If You Become One)
There’s a better than an average chance that everything you’ll read here is also available somewhere on the FuelRats website. But, writing these posts are as much a learning experience for me as it might be informative for you. And if my post stops one person from needing our services (or at the very least, makes it easier on us to get to them), it was more than worth it. Continue reading “Elite: Dangerous” – How To Not Be A FuelRat Client (And What To Do If You Become One)